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| # -* -coding: UTF-8 -* - # 功能:异或方式对文件或字符串进行加密和解密 import os import datetime import chardet
# 异或字符串加密 def encode(plaintext,key): key = key * (len(plaintext) // len(key)) + key[:len(plaintext) % len(key)] #取整数/余数,使得实际key与明文的长度一样 ciphertext=[] for i in range(len(plaintext)): ciphertext.append(str(ord(plaintext[i])^ord(key[i]))) return '-'.join(ciphertext)
#异或字符串解密 def decode(ciphertext,key): ciphertext=ciphertext.split('-') key=key*(len(ciphertext)//len(key))+key[:len(ciphertext)%len(key)]#取整数/余数 plaintext=[] for i in range(len(ciphertext)): plaintext.append(chr(int(ciphertext[i])^ord(key[i]))) return ''.join(plaintext)
def encryFile(path, password): start = datetime.datetime.now()
fileFullName = path.split(os.path.sep) # os.path.sep为操作系统的文件分隔符 fileName = fileFullName[len(fileFullName) - 1].split(".")[0] #获取文件名 fileSuffix = fileFullName[len(fileFullName) - 1].split(".")[1] #获取文件后缀
# print("文件全名称:",fileFullName[len(fileFullName)-1]) # print("文件名称:",fileName) # print("文件后缀:",fileSuffix)
fileParent = path[0:len(path) - len(fileFullName[len(fileFullName) - 1])] newFileName = "加密_" + fileFullName[len(fileFullName) - 1] newFilePath = fileParent + newFileName
# print("文件父路径:",fileParent) # print("新的文件名称:",newFileName) # print("新的文件全路径:", newFilePath)
with open(path, "rb") as f_read: with open(newFilePath, "wb") as f_write: count = 0 # 我们采用异或循环加密 for now in f_read: # 通过迭代器逐行访问 for nowByte in now: # 通过迭代器逐字符处理 newByte = nowByte ^ ord(password[count % len(password)]) count += 1 f_write.write(bytes([newByte]))
end = datetime.datetime.now() print("文件加密完毕^_^", (end - start))
# 解密(因为我们采取的异或解密,所以其实和加密算法一样) def decryFile(path, password): start = datetime.datetime.now() fileFullName = path.split(os.path.sep) # os.path.sep为操作系统的文件分隔符 fileName = fileFullName[len(fileFullName) - 1].split(".")[0] fileSuffix = fileFullName[len(fileFullName) - 1].split(".")[1]
# print("文件全名称:", fileFullName[len(fileFullName)-1]) # print("文件名称:", fileName) # print("文件后缀:", fileSuffix)
fileParent = path[0:len(path) - len(fileFullName[len(fileFullName) - 1])] newFileName = "解密_" + fileFullName[len(fileFullName) - 1] newFilePath = fileParent + newFileName
# print("文件父路径:", fileParent) # print("新的文件名称:", newFileName) # print("新的文件全路径:", newFilePath)
with open(path, "rb") as f_read:
with open(newFilePath, "wb") as f_write:
count = 0 # 当前密码解密索引
#为了防止解密后的文件出现乱码问题,而我们又无法预知编码,所以采用二进制读文件,字节流解密 # 我们采用异或循环解密 for now in f_read: # 通过迭代器逐行访问 for nowByte in now: # 通过迭代器逐字符处理 newByte = nowByte ^ ord(password[count % len(password)]) count += 1 f_write.write(bytes([newByte]))
end = datetime.datetime.now() print("文件解密完毕", (end - start))
# # 测试文件的编码方式 # def encoding_way(path): # f = open(path, 'rb') # f_read = f.read() # f_charInfo = chardet.detect(f_read) # return f_charInfo['encoding']
if __name__ == '__main__': choose=input('输入A字符串加密,输入B字符串解密,输入C文件加密,输入D文件内解密,其它关闭:') if choose=='A': plaintext=input('请输入加密文字明文:') key=input('请输入加密密钥:') print('密文',encode(plaintext,key)) if choose=='B': ciphertext = input('请输入解密文字明文:') key = input('请输入解密密钥:') print('明文',decode(ciphertext,key))
if choose=='C': print("进入文件加密模块") path = str(input('请输入文件全路径:')).strip() if os.path.isfile(path) : password = str(input('请输入文件加密密码:')).strip() encryFile(path, password) else : print("您输入的文件路径不存在")
if choose=='D': print("进入文件解密模块") path = str(input('请输入文件全路径:')).strip() if os.path.isfile(path) : password = str(input('请输入文件解密密码:')).strip() decryFile(path, password) else : print("您输入的文件路径不存在")